Transparency: SERV project information
In the interest of transparency, SERV publishes two project lists. One contains projects with potentially high environmental, social or human rights impacts (category A projects). The other contains details of all projects with a contract value of more than CHF 10 million.
Category A projects
SERV follows the OECD Common Approaches for Officially Supported Export Credits and Environmental and Social Due Diligence. To this end, SERV publishes detailed information about Category A projects, including the name of the project, the destination country, a short description of the project, and the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).
Details of these projects are published here at least 30 days before a final decision is made on whether to issue an insurance policy. The transparency list “Category A projects” is continuously updated. Insurance policies that have already been issued remain listed until the risk period in question has ended.
“A” projects are ones that could potentially have major negative environmental or human rights implications. “B” and “C” projects are likely to have a less serious impact on the environment and human rights. More information about the classification of projects can be found in the SERV guide to assessing environmental, social and human rights issues.
Insurance commitments in principle and insurance policies with more than CHF 10 million order value
To ensure transparency, SERV also publishes the details of large projects with a order value of more than 10 million Swiss francs on a quarterly basis across all categories. The exporters are consulted before publication.
The list contains important details of the projects, including the destination country, the exporter, a description of the export goods or the project, the Swiss order value (in categories), the term and the environmental category (A, B or C).
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