Technical terms
The glossary contains precise explanations of key terms – from the Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits and del credere risk through to working capital insurance.
Use the alphabetically sorted list or the search function to search for specific terms.
- Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits / OECD Export Credit Group
- Berne Union
- Buyer credit insurance
- Capital of SERV
- Commercial risk
- Commitment
- Compensation reserve (CR)
- Confidence factor
- Confiscation risk insurance
- Contract bond insurance
- Core capital (CC)
- Counter guarantee
- Country cover practice
- Country risk category
- Cover practice
- Debt rescheduling / Debt rescheduling agreement
- Del credere risk
- Earned premiums
- Economic viability
- Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC)
- Export Credit Agency (ECA)
- Export Risk Guarantee ERG
- Exposure
- Force majeure
- Framework of obligation
- General contractor
- Insurance commitment in principle (ICP)
- Insurance obligation
- Letter of credit confirmation insurance
- Loading
- Multi-buyer insurance
- New Commitment
- New Exposure
- OECD rating / OECD country risk category (CRC)
- Paris Club
- Pathfinding Strategy
- Political risk
- Pre-shipment risk insurance
- Premium tariff
- Principles of Swiss foreign policy
- Private buyer risk (PBR)
- Refinancing guarantee
- Repayments
- Restructuring
- Risk-bearing capital (RBC)
- Starting point of credit (SPOC)
- Subsidiarity
- Supplier credit insurance
- Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE)
- Transactions of particular significance
- Transfer risk
- Unearned premiums
- Value at risk
- Waiting period
- Working capital insurance