
SERV’s climate strategy

SERV’s climate strategy

“Minimise climate risks. Maximise sustainable exports” – that is the objective of SERV’s climate strategy. SERV refines its climate strategy continuously with the aim of contributing towards an environmentally friendly export industry.

As part of worldwide measures against climate change, Switzerland is aiming to achieve the target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. SERV has therefore developed a climate strategy focused on three main priorities: the reduction of CO₂ emissions from business operations, the management of climate risks and the decarbonisation of the economy.

Reduction of CO₂ emissions from business operations

To make sure its operations are carbon-neutral, SERV calculates and offsets its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It thereby meets the requirements of the federal government’s climate package.

For projects that generate over 25,000 tonnes of GHG emissions per year, exporters must submit an annual inventory of the project-related GHG emissions to SERV, including the measures they are taking to reduce these emissions.

Climate protection in the export industry

To contribute towards the decarbonisation of the economy, SERV’s climate strategy is aimed at promoting climate-friendly projects in foreign trade. As part of this, SERV grants special terms. For projects that are environmentally friendly, credit periods of up to 18 years can be agreed and combined with flexible repayment terms. In addition, SERV actively participates in international expert discussions on climate topics, such as in the OECD and the Berne Union