Product details

Counter guarantee

Product details counter guarantee


If the guarantee is called, the exporter, after settling the guarantee claim of the financial institution, can make a claim under SERV’s contract bond insurance.

Object of cover

At maximum the face value of the contract bond underlying the counter guarantee.

Risks covered

The risk of the Swiss exporter being unable to pay the financial institution is covered if the financial institution has had to disburse the sum guaranteed due to the contract bond being called.

SERV makes payments under a counter guarantee within ten working days after receipt of the financial institution’s written request and the necessary proof in accordance with the counter guarantee declaration.

Liability period

SERV’s liability in relation to the counter guarantee begins on the effective date of the contract bond and when the counter guarantee is received by the financial institution issuing the contract bond. The counter guarantee expires on its surrender, when SERV’s liability is discharged by the financial institution issuing the guarantee or 30 days after the expiry of the contract bond.


The exporter is the premium payer and the premium is due upon receipt of the invoice.

Special provisions

The counter guarantee can only be taken out in connection with contract bond insurance from SERV.


Additional documents