Product details supplier credit insurance
Cover can also extend to the non-disbursement risk from a buyer credit with which the foreign buyer would like to settle the exporter’s claim.
Object of cover
Supplier credit insurance covers the following claims arising from an export contract:
- cash or credit claims for goods/services supplied
- claims for reimbursement of ancillary financing costs (including the SERV premium)
- interest receivable until the due date
- default interest (within the waiting period)
- prepayment penalty (“breakage costs”, costs incurred on the early repayment of a loan)
In order to avoid any gaps in cover until the time a claim arises, prime costs incurred during the period of insurance are automatically covered by the supplier credit insurance. However, risks during the pre-shipment phase can only be insured with additional pre-shipment risk insurance on a prime costs basis.
Period of insurance
In the case of goods the period of insurance for supplier credit insurance starts when the goods are despatched; in the case of services the period of insurance starts on the commencement of the services. It generally ends on the payment of the insured claim. Export contract claims arising during this period are protected against the occurrence of the insured risk.
Terms and conditions of payment
In the case of a period of insurance of more than two years (per individual transaction), the terms and conditions of payment for the insured claim must conform with the consensus regulations for publicly supported export credits of the OECD as well as with the Export Credit Guidelines of the Berne Union.
Special provisions
Cash or credit claims from several export transactions with a foreign buyer may be insured for a predetermined period of insurance and up to an upper limit (revolving individual insurance policy).