Product details working capital insurance
With working capital insurance, SERV insures a financial institution’s repayment claims against an exporter arising from a working capital loan for an export transaction insured with SERV. The cover provided by SERV usually allows a less costly form of financing, obviates the need for further collateral and thus preserves the company’s liquidity.
The working capital loan may only be used to finance the prime costs of a specific export transaction insured with SERV.
Object of cover
Working capital insurance covers the following claims from a credit contract:
- principal claims of the financial institution to the repayment of disbursed working capital amounts
- claims to reimbursement for ancillary financing costs (including the SERV premium)
- interest receivable until the due date
- default interest during the waiting period
- prepayment penalty (“breakage costs”, costs incurred on the early repayment of a loan)
Claims for damages, contract penalties, compound interest and currency losses are excluded from the insurance.
Insurable risk
The insurance covers the risk that the borrower of a working capital loan (exporter or subcontractor) will not repay the working capital loan, due to insolvency or unwillingness to pay.
Special provisions
In the case of working capital insurance, SERV does not usually charge a review premium. Nor are there any surcharges for insurance policies in foreign currencies.
Working capital insurance is only issued in connection with supplier credit insurance or, at a minimum, with pre-shipment risk insurance. The financial institution has the option of combining this with buyer credit insurance.